Robert Sweaza
Captain Robert Sweaza is a retired police officer who served 30 years in law enforcement. Robert worked several assignments during his tenure, including crimes against children, sexual assault and Crisis Intervention. Additionally, he supervised and managed nearly every division within the agency. During the last several years of his career, Robert focused on providing mental health training and wellness programs for officers and was influential in developing the Trauma Support Team within his agency.
Robert holds a master’s degree in criminal justice and is an adjunct crimirnal justice instructor. His graduate studies focused on community engagement with an emphasis on mental health issues and de-escalation tactics. Robert also has a master’s degree in social work with a focus on providing mental health services to first responders and their families. He earned a graduate certificate in leadership and is a graduate from the prestigious California POST Command College.
Robert has worked in the addiction field since 2022, counseling both first responders and non-responders. He is currently the Executive Director for Unified Wellness Center, an addiction recovery program in Orange County specifically for first responders and military, both active duty and veterans.
Robert is the President of Blue Wives Matter, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide financial and mental health support for families who have experienced the death of a law enforcement officer, no matter the cause of death.

Tony Stambuk
Former Army Ranger, CADC
Tony Stambuk grew up in Orange County, CA and joined the United States Army at age 18. He completed Basic Infantry Training at Fort Benning, GA and went on to graduate from Airborne and Ranger training.
Tony was assigned to the 2nd Ranger Battalion at Fort Lewis, WA. During his 8 years of service, he completed one combat deployment to Iraq and six combat deployments to Afghanistan. As a Ranger, Tony distinguished himself as an expert marksman, Assault Team Leader, Squad Leader and an Instructor for Close Quarter Battles (CQB).
In 2011 during his fourth deployment to Afghanistan, Tony was injured in an enemy attack by shrapnel from a grenade that shattered the bones in his arm. His passion for serving as a Ranger outweighed his pain and he completed two more deployments. In 2012 he was awarded the Purple Heart.
However, it was this injury, along with PTSD that led Tony on the path to substance use. After much hardship and an unhealthy way of living, Tony made the decision in 2015 to become sober. As part of his journey, Tony was assigned to and completed the 18 month Veterans Court program. Following that experience, he enrolled in a 2 year intensive reintegration program for veterans.
Since becoming sober, Tony has dedicated himself to helping others, especially veterans with their addictions and mental health issues. He has worked as a cross fit coach, behavioral health technician, substance abuse counselor and case manager for adults in recovery. He is currently the Program Director for Unified Wellness Center, providing culturally competent treatment to first responders and veterans.
In addition to being a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CADC), Tony has been able to utilize the GI Bill and will complete his degree in Psychology Fall of 2024 with a minor in Leadership.
Tony is the father to two amazing daughters and focuses on health and fitnes He is passionate about helping veterans reintegrate into life after addiction.

Eric Bengali
Firefighter/Former Navy Corpsma
Eric Bengali was born and raised in Southern California. At age 19, he joined the United States Navy and completed boot camp at Great Lakes, IL. He went on to complete Dental School and Field Medical Services School, both located in San Diego.
He was assigned to Camp Pendleton, CA as a DT3 where he excelled in his duties that included cleanings and assisted in oral surgery as well as making equipment repairs and obtaining supplies. Within six months, his outstanding work ethic and superior physical fitness drew the attention of Command Staff, and he was chosen as a member f the elite Marine Air-Ground Task Forces, Crisis Response (MAGTAF), Eric was deploY,ed six times to Southeast Asia. This 300-man detachment deployed to setup makesnift bases for incoming troops in active combat zones. While setting up these bases, Eric was an acting Corpsman.
After serving 5 years, Eric discharged from the Navy and spent years managing and owning several businesses in the automotive industry.
In 2015, Eric realized his lifestyle was not serving him, negative consequences prompted change and he decided to seek sobriety. He spent 4 years working as an admissions counselor in the addiction industry. At age 46, he made a career change and moved to Oregon to pursue firefighting. He is currently a structure and wildland firefighter.
Eric knows what it takes to conquer challenges and how to create mind shifts that transform lives. He has a ‘do what it takes’ attitude and offers a careful ear to families struggling with life threatening challenges. He is passionate about health and fitness and most enjoys weightlifting, cycling and paddle surfing.